QtPositioning QML Type
The QtPositioning global object provides useful functions for working with location-based types in QML. More...
Import Statement: | import QtPositioning 5.2 |
Since: | Qt 5.2 |
- geocircle circle(coordinate center, real radius)
- geocircle circle()
- coordinate coordinate(real latitude, real longitue, real altitude)
- coordinate()
- geopath path()
- georectangle rectangle(coordinate topLeft, coordinate bottomRight)
- georectangle rectangle(coordinate center, real width, real height)
- georectangle rectangle()
- geoshape shape()
- geocircle shapeToCircle(geoshape shape)
- geopath shapeToPath(geoshape shape)
- georectangle shapeToRectangle(geoshape shape)
Detailed Description
import QtPositioning 5.2 Item { property variant coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(-27.5, 153.1) }
Method Documentation
geocircle circle(coordinate center, real radius) const |
Constructs a geocircle centered at center with a radius of radius meters.
coordinate coordinate(real latitude, real longitue, real altitude) const |
Constructs a coordinate with the specified latitude, longitude and optional altitude. Both latitude and longitude must be valid, otherwise an invalid coordinate is returned.
See also coordinate.
geopath path() const |
georectangle rectangle(coordinate topLeft, coordinate bottomRight) const |
Constructs a georectangle with its top left corner positioned at topLeft and its bottom right corner positioned at bottomLeft.
See also georectangle.
georectangle rectangle(coordinate center, real width, real height) const |
Constructs a georectangle centered at center with a width of width degrees and a hight of height degrees.
See also georectangle.
georectangle rectangle() const |
Constructs an invalid georectangle.
See also georectangle.
georectangle shapeToRectangle(geoshape shape) const |