WlShell QML Type

Provides an extension for desktop-style user interfaces. More...

Import Statement: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.0
Since: Qt 5.8


Detailed Description

The WlShell extension provides a way to associate a ShellSurface with a regular Wayland surface. Using the shell surface interface, the client can request that the surface is resized, moved, and so on.

WlShell corresponds to the Wayland interface wl_shell.

To provide the functionality of the shell extension in a compositor, create an instance of the WlShell component and add it to the list of extensions supported by the compositor:

  import QtWayland.Compositor 1.0

  WaylandCompositor {
      extensions: WlShell {
          // ...

Signal Documentation

void wlShellSurfaceRequested(object surface, object client, int id)

This signal is emitted when the client has requested a wl_shell_surface to be associated with surface, which is identified by id. The handler for this signal is expected to create the shell surface and initialize it within the scope of the signal emission.