Qt SQL C++ Classes
Provides a driver layer, SQL API layer, and a user interface layer for SQL databases. More...
Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt SQL module |
Handles a connection to a database | |
Template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type | |
The base class for SQL driver factories | |
Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases | |
Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins | |
SQL database error information | |
Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views | |
Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes | |
Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements | |
Encapsulates a database record | |
Abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases | |
Read-only data model for SQL result sets | |
Delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel | |
Stores information about an SQL foreign key | |
Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support | |
Editable data model for a single database table |
Detailed Description
To include the definitions of the module's classes, use the following directive:
#include <QtSql>
To link against the module, add this line to your qmake .pro
QT += sql
See the SQL Programming guide for information about using this module in your applications.