Qt Quick Controls 2 Examples

These examples demonstrate creating user interfaces using Qt Quick Controls 2.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Chat Tutorial

Tutorial about writing a basic chat client using Qt Quick Controls 2.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Contact List

A QML app using Qt Quick Controls 2 and a C++ class that implements a simple contact list.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Flat Style

A QML app using Qt Quick Controls 2 and a QML plugin with customized controls.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Gallery

A gallery of controls.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Side Panel

A non-closable persistent side panel with Drawer.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Swipe to Remove

Demonstrates removing list items by swipe.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Text Editor

A QML app using Qt Quick Controls 2 and a C++ class to provide a fully-functional rich-text editor application.

Qt Quick Controls 2 - Wearable Demo

Demonstrates an application launcher designed for wearable devices.