localstorage.qml Example File


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  import QtQuick 2.5
  import QtQuick.Window 2.2
  import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
  import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0
  import "Database.js" as JS

  Window {
      visible: true
      width: Screen.width / 2
      height: Screen.height / 1.8
      color: "#161616"

      property bool creatingNewEntry: false
      property bool editingEntry: false

      Rectangle {
          anchors.fill: parent

          ColumnLayout {
              anchors.fill: parent

              Header {
                  id: input
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
              RowLayout {
                  MyButton {
                      text: "New"
                      onClicked: {
                          creatingNewEntry = true
                          listView.model.setProperty(listView.currentIndex, "id", 0)
                  MyButton {
                      id: saveButton
                      enabled: (creatingNewEntry || editingEntry) && listView.currentIndex != -1
                      text: "Save"
                      onClicked: {
                          var insertedRow = false;
                          if (listView.model.get(listView.currentIndex).id < 1) {
                              //insert mode
                              if (input.insertrec()) {
                                  // Successfully inserted a row.
                                  insertedRow = true
                              } else {
                                  // Failed to insert a row; display an error message.
                                  statustext.text = "Failed to insert row"
                          } else {
                              // edit mode

                          if (insertedRow) {
                              creatingNewEntry = false
                              editingEntry = false
                  MyButton {
                      id: editButton
                      text: "Edit"
                      enabled: !creatingNewEntry && !editingEntry && listView.currentIndex != -1
                      onClicked: {

                          editingEntry = true
                  MyButton {
                      id: deleteButton
                      text: "Delete"
                      enabled: !creatingNewEntry && listView.currentIndex != -1
                      onClicked: {
                          listView.model.remove(listView.currentIndex, 1)
                          if (listView.count == 0) {
                              // ListView doesn't automatically set its currentIndex to -1
                              // when the count becomes 0.
                              listView.currentIndex = -1
                  MyButton {
                      id: cancelButton
                      text: "Cancel"
                      enabled: (creatingNewEntry || editingEntry) && listView.currentIndex != -1
                      onClicked: {
                          if (listView.model.get(listView.currentIndex).id === 0) {
                              // This entry had an id of 0, which means it was being created and hadn't
                              // been saved to the database yet, so we can safely remove it from the model.
                              listView.model.remove(listView.currentIndex, 1)
                          creatingNewEntry = false
                          editingEntry = false
                  MyButton {
                      text: "Exit"
                      onClicked: Qt.quit()
              Component {
                  id: highlightBar
                  Rectangle {
                      width: listView.currentItem.width
                      height: listView.currentItem.height
                      color: "lightgreen"
              ListView {
                  id: listView
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.fillHeight: true
                  model: MyModel {}
                  delegate: MyDelegate {}
                  // Don't allow changing the currentIndex while the user is creating/editing values.
                  enabled: !creatingNewEntry && !editingEntry

                  highlight: highlightBar
                  highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
                  focus: true

                  header: Component {
                      Text {
                          text: "Saved activities"
              Text {
                  id: statustext
                  color: "red"
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  font.bold: true
                  font.pointSize: 20

      Component.onCompleted: {