Obsolete Members for QFile

The following members of class QFile are obsolete. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

(obsolete) typedef EncoderFn

Public Functions

(obsolete) QString readLink() const
  • 2 public functions inherited from QObject

Static Public Members

(obsolete) QString readLink(const QString &fileName)
(obsolete) void setDecodingFunction(DecoderFn function)
(obsolete) void setEncodingFunction(EncoderFn function)
  • 1 static public member inherited from QObject

Member Type Documentation

typedef QFile::EncoderFn

This is a typedef for a pointer to a function with the following signature:

  QByteArray myEncoderFunc(const QString &fileName);

See also setEncodingFunction() and encodeName().

Member Function Documentation

Use symLinkTarget() instead.

Use symLinkTarget() instead.

[static] void QFile::setDecodingFunction(DecoderFn function)

This function does nothing. It is provided for compatibility with Qt 4 code that attempted to set a different decoding function for file names. That feature is flawed and no longer supported in Qt 5.

See also setEncodingFunction() and decodeName().

[static] void QFile::setEncodingFunction(EncoderFn function)

This function does nothing. It is provided for compatibility with Qt 4 code that attempted to set a different encoding function for file names. That feature is flawed and no longer supported in Qt 5.

See also encodeName() and setDecodingFunction().